Tai Ji -Chi Gong Courses








 Energy Medicine Courses in Studio and Online on Zoom!






TAi JI/Qi Gung Course:  Friday 15:15HR

                                         Monday 18:15HR

                                         Saturday 10:00HR


Where? Christoffelgasse 3, 3011 Bern.


Please reserve a spot by emailing, texting or phoning müssen 

25 CHF per session or 6 sessions for 120.00CHF


... come by and chi-up!

Reserve by calling or writing:  078 684 99 80 www.quantum-osteo.ch 

Tai Ji in Gold Beach, Oregon
Tai Ji in Gold Beach, Oregon

Tai Ji is an ancient chinese form of movement.  Based upon the taoist philosophy, this "slow moving dance of life and chi"  is based on the  choreography of " the 5 elements".


Finding our own personal centre by spatially becoming aware of our extremes, we connect with heaven/sky and our grounding /earth to come back to our physical centre point which for the chinese is in the pelvis, the "tan tien", our reservoir of energy.  


"Studying tai ji for 24 years with Chungliang Al Huang whether it be on Oregon coast, or in Montreal, NY, or Winterhur, Switzerland, or in China  this movement form has enriched my life and my awareness."  


Caroline Ryser continues this age-old tradition by teaching tai ji workshops and courses to people of all ages. 


Click on the Courses and Workshop page to see when and where Caroline teaches the next Tai Ji course!


For more information about the Living Tao Tai Ji network: www.livingtao.org

Tai Ji on Gold Beach, Oregon
Tai Ji on Gold Beach, Oregon
Happy Tai Ji Dancing in Winterthur with Chungliang Al Huang
Happy Tai Ji Dancing in Winterthur with Chungliang Al Huang

Visiting a Taoist School in China, Autumn 2018

updated 03.07.24

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078 684 99 80



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Société Canadienne pour la Tradition Ostéopathie

"Leben ist Bewegung und Bewegung ist Leben"

Rollin Becker D.O.

"Life is motion, and

motion is life."

Rollin Becker, D.O.